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How to wear feminine sleepwear to bed

While not all of us like to wear feminine daywear, sometimes it feels nice to wear something feminine to bed. This means that we like to wear something that’s a bit softer and more playful than what you would wear during the day.

Note that this does not mean you have to wear something reminiscent of the 1800s. All it means is that you get to go to bed in something that’ll make your bedtime so much more pleasant. And you’d be more tempted to wear your sleepwear at yoga class, at a spa, or sipping tea on the patio.


These prints can be anything that you like: stripes, dots, or fun prints that would make your night rest more enjoyable. Perhaps you like flowers or perhaps you prefer something like damask instead. There are many options available to you so find something that’ll make you feel cherished. Abstract patterns could lend an air of sophistication to your wardrobe so feel free to incorporate such ladies sleepwear into your wardrobe.

Soft materials

You’ll feel immensely feminine when you’re encased in something soft, whether this is silk, cashmere, or wool. These materials allow your skin to breath naturally and also regulate your body temperature: it’ll keep you warm when it’s cold and it’ll cool you down when it’s hot.


Even though you want to look ‘put together’, you still want to be able to relax when you’re in your new sleepwear. It makes sense to go for the casual look, especially because you won’t wear your sleepwear out in the public unless it’s in an area such as a spa or at a yoga class.


Many of us think our grandmothers are some of the most feminine ladies we know. We admire their strong personalities as well as their sense of style. It’s possible to recreate some of their splendour with ladies sleepwear that has flowers or some other design embroidered on it. These sleepwear options should make you feel nostalgic for your grandmother and reaffirm what it is to be a woman in this day and age.

Solid colours

Solid colours generally make it easier to co-ordinate and accessorize. Besides these benefits to solid colours, they also make it easier to get that ‘pulled together’ look. You should feel more at ease when you’re wearing sleepwear that makes you look as though you are relaxed but still in control.

Author bio:

The White Company wrote this article about the joys of finding ladies sleepwear that make us feel like real women.

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